Sea Glass No. 2
Part of a series exploring the power of the sea and dreams. Through recent series like “My Beautiful Truth” and “This Wishful Life,” Julia’s focus is on finding your sense of calm, a sort of meditative escapism allowing you the joy of a mind adrift. Because usually when we are not thinking is when we do our best thinking.
Award: Minted’s For Art’s Sake Challenge. Limited edition prints exclusively available through the Minted Collection.
About Julia’s Collection at Minted
You can find Julia’s award winning limited editions exclusively on Minted, a marketplace and community supported by the belief that great design lives and thrives in the hands of independent artists. Editions are limited to 350 prints per size and can be customized with Julia’s signature and finished with your choice of paper, mat and frame. Additionally, internationally shipping is available. To learn more visit Julia’s Minted shop.