Square Prints

Seeped in Truth - Canvas Print

A sky with the softest cloud cover and breaking light welcomes the new day across the horizon.

This print is made-to-order. Select your desired size, finishing and frame below. Note, "Size" is the size of the artwork and is noted in inches. Selecting a frame will increase the overall final size of your print. 

Type: Custom Canvas Print


Price based on options selected

Frame (adds approximately 2 inches overall to the size)

A reproduction or print is created from a digital capture of one of Julia’s original paintings. The file is digitally printed on paper or canvas. This process allows for customization as each print is made-to-order. Please note that reproductions of paintings created with metallic paints or effects are NOT created with metallic ink. Because prints are made to order, we are unable to offer refunds or exchanges.

All sales are final. To learn more, visit the Reproductions and FAQs.

Unframed(Rolled) Unframed(Rolled)
Gallery Wrapped Gallery Wrapped
Framed Framed

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